Monday, March 15, 2010

My Birthday...

 This year is only my 24th birthday on St. Patrick's day of course! I will be celebrating with new friends and a new baby. It's funny to me how much things can change in one year. I may only be 24 but my lifestyle makes me feel much older. I have three kids, Darrien will be six in September and starting kindergarten! Corinne will be three in August and starting preschool and I had our third daughter Spencer, in January. Jon was promoted at work and is already up for another one. To say we have been busy for the past year would be an understatement. I never would have thought this is where my life would be at only 24. A domesticated housewife...yeah. The funny part of it all is, I love it all! The chaos, kids running around, meetings, play group, preschool, sleepovers, no sleep and the list goes on and on! i have an amazing husband who I adore and can't imagine my life without, three beautiful daughters, a home of my own, great friends and the opportunity to be whoever or whatever I want! My heart is overwhelmingly full.

1 comment:

Emily Rasmussen said...

very sweet.! And she already is so big! I am so glad you were born. Happy Birthday in two days! I love you. :O)